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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  October 11, 2011 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. breaking news overnight. no deal. the nba season suddenly suspended. 100 games canceled, as player talks fail overnight. with billions of dollars and thousands of jobs at stake, is the entire season in jeopardy? vitamin warning. millions of us take them every day. the big, new study saying supplements could be increasing our risk of dying from cancer and heart disease. we'll tell you which ones help and which ones may be harming you. new details about the search for missing baby lisa. and why her aunt thinks police will arrest lisa's mother. she speaks out in an exclusive interview. and rekindling the flame. demi and ashton caught on camera
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at a camp retreat. what's going on with their marriage? good morning, everyone. a lot to get to this morning, including the next big presidential debate tonight in new hampshire. and the latest surging contender, herman cain. he's in a poll, shown blasting past rick perry. second to mitt romney. he made a lot of money in godfather's pizza. >> he will be front and center tonight in the debate. it but an emotional debate in "dancing with the stars." chynna and nancy, both looked close to tears after the night on the dance floor. and look at that, cher cheering. she looked so proud. chaz danced to the theme of "rocky." and also, check out this video right here. you see a cyclist racing through
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the bush in south africa. you see him point. and what's happening next is just astonishing. we're at the point we're going to show you that a little bit. >> that's a tease. now, that's a tease. >> i did my best. we have a lot of news to start out with. josh elliott. >> i can promise you, it will be terrific when we get to it. but when we get to it. good morning to all of you. we're going to begin with the nba cancelling the first two weeks of its season. it's not just bad news for the basketball fans, but also for the cities that stand to lose millions and some workers who already lost their jobs. the dallas mavericks' defense of their nba title will now have to wait. indefinitely. 13 hours of contentious debate ended with no deal. >> we remain very, very far apart on virtually all issues. >> reporter: the players and owners still disagree on how to cut up a $4 billion pie. during the week's last labor strife, both sides didn't agree
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until the first calendar week of 1999, just before the deadline to cancel the entire season. then, the 82-game regular season schedule was reduced to 50 games. so far, delaying the nba season just 2 weeks means 100 games canceled and more than $38 million in lost ticket sales. economic losses that don't include those felt by jobless arena workers and struggling businesses the nation over. >> i think our players have been clear from the beginning that we want to play basketball. our players are the best in the world at that particular craft. and that's ha may they want to do. >> and so, some players have now stopped contracts overseas. and they may need those jobs. it will be at least december until we see any action on an nba court. now, to the anti-wall street protests. 100 people have been arrested in boston for trespassing. about 1,000 college students
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protested monday. and in washington, protesters are vowing to disrupt house and senate offices today. guards used pepper spray to push them back from the air and space museum over the weekend. these protests come as wall street enjoys something of a little boom. since last tuesday, the dow has surged more than 7%. and some analysts speculate the market may have hit rock-bottom and that this rally may be here to stay. a powerful category 3 hurricane closing in on mexico at this hour. resorts along the pacific are evacuating. hurricane jova could dump as much as 20 inches of rain, just south of pouerto vallarta. president obama, wearing a medical gown, awarding the purple heart to a young marine. the corporal's family posted it on youtube. it is rare for the president to
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present the medal himself and in such extraordinary circumstances. wonderful. >> the president spent most of the day yesterday afternoon. we turn to politics. and the republican candidates will meet in new hampshire tonight for their next big debate. and the newest shooting star will be center stage. herman cain, who made a mint from godfather's pizza is second place behind mitt romney. can he win the nomination? and what does it say about the gop field? john berman has more on that. >> reporter: herman cain has risen so far, so fast. he will be given prime seating, reserved for leaders in the polling, right next to rick perry and mitt romney. how did a man virtually unknown in politics end up running second or even tied for first in national polls? >> i have never felt pressure going into these not because i'm overly
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confident. but because i'm myself. >> reporter: even mitt romney seems to like it. >> vote for either one of us. and you'll be happy. >> reporter: herman cain is the former ceo of godfather's pizza. raised in atlanta. the father was a chauffeur for coke executives. and he touts his nine, nine, nine plan to reduce income tax to a 9% rate and bring in a 9% sales tax. but he's raised eyebrows with his blunt critique of the occupy wall street protesters. >> don't blame wall street. don't blame the big banks. if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself. >> reporter: and singer harry belafonte called him, a bad apple. and hopes racism doesn't hold people back. >> the only tactic they have to intimidate me and shut me up, is to call me game. it won't work.
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>> reporter: there are perils to flying high in the polls. take it from mitt romney, who had a testy exchange with a reporter in new hampshire. >> what i don't do, in a group like this, stop and rattle off questions to people just as we walk along. that way, you don't get a chance to hear the full answer that i'm going to give. >> reporter: romney is dealing with a video broadside from rick perry, comparing him to president obama. a tough spot. how is it mitt romney almost seemed to endorse herman cain? one romney adviser told me, we don't have a herman cain problem. rick perry has a herman cain problem. as for rick perry, his son tells abc news the governor will be well-rested for the debate tonight and prepares to do better. >> john, thanks very much. here to weigh in on all of this and president obama's jobs bill, which faces a key vote in the senate today, is the president's strategist, david plouffe. i want to get to the jobs vote
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in a minute. but weigh in on the herman cain phenomenon. a couple of months ago, he said he's following a playbook of the obama campaign. david plouffe wrote a book. and we read the book. let me tell you about herman cain. i don't have a problem taking a good idea and using it, even if it did come from obama. what do you make of herman cain? >> i'm not involved in the republican primary process. this is going to have a lot of twists and turns between now and early january. i think what you will see on the stage in new hampshire tonight, all of the candidates subscribing to the same economic policies that led to the great recession. they want to not invest in things like education. and rebuilding the country. that's really the issue here. >> i know you tied them all together. but last week, vice president biden said the republican party is actually strong enough to win. is he right? >> we're going to have a close election. some things aren't going to change between now and next november. we're in a tough economy. we're going to have a very close
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election, as most presidential elections are. we're going to fight for every vote. but what the president is focused on is how to put people back to work in the short-term. and how to rebuild an economy in the long-term, to make sure that responsibility is rewarded and the middle class gets more security. and that's a big difference in this election. >> that's why you're calling for a vote on the president's american jobs act tonight. but it doesn't have the support of all of the senate democrats. it's not going to pass tonight. so, a lot of republicans especially, but a lot of other analysts have said, you're wasting your time. why not focus now on something that can actually pass? >> well, listen. we're going to get the vast, vast majority of democratic senators tonight. we hope we get some republican senators because the economy's far too weak. are we going to do something about it? or are we going to sit back? the president thinks we should put teachers back on the job. construction workers back on the job. and this is just the first chapter. we're going to keep at it and make the members of the house
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and senate vote, whether they want to give teamers back to work, give tax cuts. >> you're putting them on the spot. couldn't you get something done more quickly? and pass the ones that have bipartisan support now? >> listen. we think it's important for the country to understand what the president and again the vast majority of the democratic party in the senate thinks we ought to do right now to help the economy. to create 2 million jobs. to give tax relief to the middle class of this country. if this vote doesn't succeed tonight, and that would be a tragedy for the country, we're going to get right at it. and at the end of the year, the question is, are you going to be able to report to your constituents that you did something to help the middle class and the economy at a time when it needs it? >> let me run by you the occupy wall street that seems to be growing every day. is this the liberal version of the tea party? and is that a good thing for the white house? >> i make a general point about it, george. the protests you're seeing are the same conversations people are having in living rooms and kitchens across america.
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people are frustrated, in an economy that does not reward hard work and responsibility. where wall street and main street don't seem to play by the same set of rules. the president passed wall street reform. most republicans in congress and i believe all of the republicans on the stage tonight in new hampshire, they want to unwind wall street reform. and we need to make our financial system more transparent. make sure taxpayers aren't on the hook for bailouts anymore. and make sure hidden credit card fees and mortgage penalties are not part of our system. if you're concerned about wall street and our financial system, the president is standing on the side of consumers and middle class. and a lot of the republicans are saying, you know what? let's go back to the policies that led to the great recession in the first place. >> david plouffe. thanks for your time this morning. now, to a major health alert about vitamins. millions of us take them every day to try to stay healthy. could they be doing us harm? there's a big, new study saying some dietary supplements do little good.
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and could even raise the risk in death in older women. dr. richard besser has more on this. this industry is $11 billion a year. >> that's right. >> here in the u.s. over half of americans take the types of supplements. tell us a lot more about the study. >> people are going to hear this and be very concerned. let me lay it out. this was a very large study. nearly 40,000 women participated. the average age of the women was 62. and they followed them for 19 years. and they looked to see could vitamins or supplements increase or decrease their risk of death? there were big findings that came out of this. the big ones were this, if you took a multivitamin, your risk of dying went up 2.4%. if you're taking iron, it went up 3.9%. on the positive side, if you're taking calcium, your risk of dying went down by 3.8%. >> they had to bring in other factors. if you're a smoker, overweight, your diet and things like that. >> that's one of the things -- these studies will raise more questions than they answer. they didn't tell half the women, you need to take a vitamin and
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half, you don't need to take a vitamin. it doesn't say why they took them. and sometimes when people are getting sick, they will take a vitamin or iron to improve their health. and it doesn't factor that out. but it still raises questions because there are other studies that have found similar findings. >> the council on responsible nutrition weighed in. and they said about the study, it is important to keep in mind this was not warrant sweeping, overstated concerns for elderly women. agree? >> i would agree with them 100%. this is something that raises questions. but i think if you're taking a vitamin now, i wouldn't stop taking it because of this. but i would start paying attention to some of the other information that's out there. for most people, you're going to get enough vitamins through your regular diet. and we know it's bad to be deficient in vitamins. but it's also saying, it may be bad to take too many. >> we want to point out in the study, which you did. 40,000 women, they were all
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white, average age, 62. what does it mean for other groups? men, women, across the board? >> pregnant women need to be taking their pregnancy vitamin. we need to make sure we're all getting vitamin "d." but health doesn't come from taking a pill. you have to have a balanced diet. and if you do, you get all of your vitamins every day. >> thanks. now, to the american scientist stranded near the south pole without the medical attention she desperately needs. renee douceur thinks she had a stroke six weeks ago. but the location makes it impossible to rescue her. how much danger is she in? and how much risk should the pilots take to reach her? >> reporter: that's just it. doctors are split right now on how critical her condition really is. rescue workers say it's not that they didn't want to fly in. the weather wouldn't let them.
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when they fly in next week, they will be landing on an icy runway in pitch-black darkness. this morning, this is the desolate land where american scientist, renee douceur finds herself, trapped in a laboratory, after suffering what may have been a stroke nearly six weeks ago. >> it's time for me to get out of here and get on with my medical treatment. >> reporter: douceur says rescue workers may attempt the harrowing trek to bring her to safety next week. but it is dangerous. the thermostat in antarctica reached 74 degrees below zero. plane fuel can freeze well above that at 50 below. and the winds are so strong, snow kicks up 200 feet in the air. douceur's speech and vision are now impaired. but she is alive. and the idea of bringing her home could risk the lives of others is now raising ethical questions. how critical is it that the company dispatch a plane at this
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moment to get this woman out of this and bring her home? >> if it means putting a pilot in risk for his life, it's critical he not do it. >> i'll be blunt and tell you that i would not jeopardize a crew of pilots to come here and rescue me. >> reporter: the risky evacuation would begin in chile, where a plane is reportedly on standby. once douceur is safely onboard, she, a doctor and escort will fly from her lab in the south pole, make one stop on the continent. then, make the long haul to new zealand. then, douceur hopes, to the safety of a hospital. and crews have successfully evacuated sick patients from the south pole in the past. in 1999, there was a doctor that had to wait so long for a rescue, she ended up treating herself for breast cancer. >> thank you very much. >> welcome you to the abc news team. >> thank you. >> i know. >> thank you. so excited to be here.
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based from l.a. yes. >> i'm southern. sam? >> it's the right thing to do. hello. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on. one of them is the rabe. if you're on the east coast today, the carolinas are getting soaked. this is low pressure moving up the shoreline. it will get rain in the next 48 hours into new england and pennsylvania. it is dry today from d.c.-north. that will get you wednesday, wednesday night into thursday. we have the issues along the carolina coastline today. look at the heat. l.a. at 79 today. can you believe we're going to be near 100 degrees? not too far away from now, we're going to talk about that in the next half hour.
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all of america's weather in the next half hour. robin? george? >> sam, thank you. so many are trading in their gold jewelry for cash. gold at almost $1,700 an ounce
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right now. the big money may be why two guys pulled a fast one at a colorado jewelry store. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: they walk into this family-owned jewelry store in denver, cool as can be. >> they were not even nervous. >> reporter: but these men customers. police say they're con artists, claiming they want to sell gold. >> it was 445 grams of gold. that's a lot of gold. watch closely as the man on the right distracts the clerk, the other guy switches the bag. the new bag contains identical-looking items. but a simple test revealed. >> bubbling with green foam. so, it's not real. >> reporter: the store got taken. paying $11,000 for a bag of worthless junk. these days, many jewelry stores do more business buying gold than selling it. real gold, melted down, is worth real money. the thieves know that, too.
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as the price of gold has spiked, so has the crime rate surrounding it. from smash-and-grab robberies, to more elaborate heists. last month, a woman allegedly stole more than $10,000 of cold coins from a cold shop? van nuys, california. this is from brighten, new york, outside of buffalo this summer. when a group of four men entered a gold-for-cash store, and left. >> in this business, you get burned. >> reporter: the silver lining here, it was all caught on camera. which may prevent it from happening again. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> over $1,700 an ounce right now. coming up on "gma," exclusive new details about the frantic search for baby lisa. why the family thinks the police are about to make an arrest.
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lisa's aunt speaks only to "gma." plus, was it a make-or-break catching trip for ashton and demi? and dance moves of beyonce's new video. and dance moves of beyonce's new video. ♪ starbucks via® is [ fplanted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger!
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is i'm a curious seeker.ecise i am a chemistry aficionado.f. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot.etes . yes. i'm a people pleaser. plea. if elected, i promise flu shots for all.for all. i am a walking medical dictionary.ionary. congratulations virginiaiavirgi.
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inflamed uvula.ed . i'm virginia.virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. 7:26. good morning temperatures 61 in baltimore and easton. some areas of fog. you probably noticed more cloudiness than yesterday. even toe there's sun trying to
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-- even though there's sun trying to slip through. rain pushing through south central virginia and pulling it back wider the rain throughing for and south carolina georgia and florida wrapping around the storm pumping in tropical moisture and there's no way to avoid this one. today, look for the thickening clouds and there may be showers for your ride home. maybe for some of the kid getting off the bus especially south of baltimore. 74 down to 60 overnight but tonight we get rain. here's tanya with traffic. >> reporter: we have a broken down car i-97 south at crane highway. also volume 95 southbound out of white marsh. bellway -- beltway look like a marking -- parking lot. it will be show around the baltimore national pike. top side of the beltway slow at harford road. a slowdown from bel air road all the way around to providence. now with your latest local news here charley crowson. is the state at fault the question surrounding a civil lawsuit claiming the state was responsible for the slaying of an inmate on a prison bus.
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they are steeking 21 -- seeking 21 million in the death of their son. they claim the 5 correctional officers failed to do their jobs what inmate murdered him on a bus in 2005. jury selection for the case begins today. go to facebook and let us know he what you think about a proposed law to increase the tax on tobacco by a dollar. currently it is at $2 and now a group is asking for it to go to $3. go to the official wmar facebook fan page and let us know whatyou think. we are back in 25 minutes.
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little baby lisa, 10 months old. missing more than a week. and so many people are searching for her right now. the family believes the police are close to making an arrest in the case. and lisa's aunt tells us why in a "gma" exclusive. good morning, america. also, demi and ashton on retreat. and the pair caught on camera in "star" magazine photos. >> outside l.a. what a night in los angeles last night. "dancing with the stars." there was cher. so happy. there to support chaz. his take on "rocky." his inspired performance last night. can he pull off a rocky-like
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comeback? >> chaz was running up the stairs last night. right now, we get to the latest in the investigation on missing baby, lisa irwin. police returned to the 10-month-old's home on monday. this time, searching the backyard. clayton sandell is there in kansas city, missouri, with an exclusive interview with lisa's aunt. >> reporter: we're a week into this case. and police have not named any suspects. they will tell us that baby l a lisa's parents are cooperating. but this morning, at least one family member believes that lisa's mom, deborah bradley, is being railroaded by police. overnight, lisa's aunt spoke exclusively to "gma," saying that the family feels that investigators are closing in on the baby's mother, deborah. do you think deborah may be facing arrest?
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>> to be honest with you, yes. >> reporter: why? >> because the police don't have somebody. they have to pin it on somebody. >> reporter: do you think it's inevitable? >> yeah. kind of. >> reporter: deborah says last monday, she put lisa to bed at 10:30 p.m., the last person to see her. by the time her father checked on the baby at 4:00 a.m., the baby was gone. do you think there's something she has not told you? >> nope. no doubt in my mind. >> reporter: why? you seem very convinced. why is that? >> if anybody spends time with them, you know it's not true. she is genuine. she loves that child. it's her baby. she would never do anything to hurt her. >> reporter: abc news has also learned that grand jury subpoenas have begun arriving at television stations. investigators are demanding unedited footage of any interviews given by neighbors, family or friends of the family. sources say police may want to compare the footage for inconsistent statements. >> me leaving the door unlocked
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one time. >> reporter: ashley is the only person currently speaking publicly for the family. she says deborah is preparing for the possibility she may be arrested. >> she doesn't care what happens to her. she doesn't care what people say about her. she just wants lisa home. >> reporter: police will not say if deborah is being arrested. >> it's an absurd notion. we're under pressure to find a child. we're not under pressure to pin this on anybody or wrap it up or make an arrest. >> reporter: the new developments come as crime scene investigators ventured into a drainage ditch behind the home, searching for clues. police insist they're leaving no stone unturned. >> this is the one week mark, if i'm not mistaken. but the leads keep coming in. i'm not going to points spread this thing. it only takes the one right
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nugget of information to kick it off, big-time. that's what we're looking for still. >> reporter: ashley irwin is leading the effort to keep her niece's picture out in front of the public. lisa would have been 11 months old or is 11 months old as of today. and ashley has been handing out thousands of flyers to keep her picture out there. even using social media. the entire family is praying together all day, every day. they're hoping lisa comes home safe. robin? >> we all are, clayton. thanks so much. >> we sure are. now, to the latest on hollywood power couple, demi moore and ashton kutcher. have they gone from breaking up to making up? new photos in "star" magazine of the stars roughing it, may silence the rumors their marriage is on the rocks. chris connelly has the story. >> reporter: green acres, they are there. >> exclusive, ashton and demi together. >> reporter: as shown on "the insider" last night. pics in the sticks of ashton
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kutcher and demi moore. in the wake of unconfirmed tabloid accounts of infidelity. back to nature. and back in each other's good graces? "star" magazine at a family get together near santa barbara. reportedly in the company of their spiritual teacher from the kabbalah center, where a few days ago, the couple was seen attending yom kippur services. since speculation started to swirl, neither demi nor ashton has chosen to address the subject of their marriage directly. even as ashton's "two and a half men" character has discord of his own. >> you need to get some friends. get a life. >> i don't want friends. i don't want a life. i just want you. >> reporter: fans have been poring over recent scriptic tweets on their twitter account. ashton, dismisses of any possible controversy.
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out here, the only tweets they'll be getting will be from robbins and finches. and given what the smog's like in los angeles, it's a great place to clear the air. going out to the country might seem out of character for these rajas of the red carpet. sometimes the best way for a married couple to move forward is to go on retreat. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> can't be true. see what happens. sam, what do you have? >> good morning, guys. there's been a lot of fog and smog in the west coast, around the l.a. area. we're about to take care of that and jump the temperatures up, as well. watch the western movement of the warm air off the desert. look where the temperatures go. vegas, 82. 92 on thursday. i know it's uncomfortable. and that warm air pushes directly towards the post line. on the eastern seaboard, we have twin areas of low pressure becoming one. that keeps the rain in place for the carolinas during the day
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today, all the way up to washington. and then washington north on wednesday and wednesday night. heaviest rain around new york city into boston. get ready for a soaking, even in pennsylvania, one of the states that doesn't need more rain. two to three more inches of rain. you have the line of showers in >> all that weather was brought to you by royal caribbean international. george? >> thank you, sam. coming up, beyonce has all the right moves in her new video. but are they hers? another dancer says beyonce has stolen her steps. ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild?
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back at 7:41. now, to the accusations that beyonce may have stolen her moves for her new single "countdown." a belgian choreographer says that she stole the moves from her routine. but has the superstar taken things too far? andrea canning is here. we've been looking at both videos. >> reporter: it's a dance war, robin. beyonce is a dance superstar. people learn her choreography
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and then dance in the clubs and to tributes on youtube. what if the routines aren't exactly original? take a look for yourself. it's the danceoff taking place around the world. the pop star, beyonce, and a little-known choreographer, saying the singer store her signature moves. look "countdown" video. and then, watch anne de keersmaeker's choreography. what de keersmaeker said, this is stealing. >> reporter: is that hot in the dance world? >> yeah. >> reporter: we showed it to choreographer larry cligman. >> when i watch the larger video, it feels like an homage. >> reporter: beyonce has been accused of incorporating others' moves into her routine before,
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including bob fosse in her "put a ring on it" video. her music award performance was similar to this pop star. beyonce said she was inspired by the singer. but when does inspiration turn to dance theft? >> the question here is whether too much was taken. but it's entirely possible that rubbing one's hair or pulling a blouse down was originated by her. >> reporter: one thing is for sure. everyone from little girls to grandma and even football players will continue to be inspired by beyonce. and beyonce released a statement to "the new york times" saying, clearly the ballet rosas danst ro rosas was influence for "countdown." >> how do you know when it goes from being inspired to
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plagiarism, if you will? >> plagiarism entire dense sets. but little moves, very hard to say that it's plagiarism. >> i saw a lot of "flashdance" in both of them. >> all right. hey, and ya. thanks so much. we cannot wait to show you the play of the day. we can't wait to see it ourselves. josh has that just ahead. and baby on the run. the marathon mom that didn't let and baby on the run. the marathon mom that didn't let pregnancy slow her down. rst-bor. i got married first... i had children first... and i'm the first to get this haircut. i was the first to get a flu shot. you didn't make an appointment yet. don't need one at walgreens. strolled right in and got my flu shot early from my walgreens pharmacist. they're all specially trained. so now i'm number one. it only took you 77 years. [ female announcer ] arm yourself with a flu shot from all walgreens and take care clinics. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. would they switch?
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here's the play of the day. >> we're rolling out a new feature today. that aforementioned "play of the day." and we understand that the day is not done. but "play of the day" thus far seems unwielding. we hope it comes ready apparent. and if all honesty, guys, if there was ever a day and a moment to roll it out for, this is it.
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>> whoa. >> that was evan vander spach. he was in a race in south africa. and, boy, did he -- >> oh, oh, oh. >> i love it. >> that is no accident. >> that was no accident. no. wait. hang on. take a listen. >> you think he did that purposely? >> that was ray barbie, inflecting that damage. he was being trailed. it was being filmed as part of a marketing campaign. and from out of nowhere -- not really out of nowhere. you're sort of cycling through
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the south african bush. you're in his home. that's what i have to say. >> the suspense, i guess he can smell and hear but can't see very well. >> can't see. he was up on him. and then -- oh, too bad. >> may i make a request? i love the icon "play of the day," but can you put it down because it's blocking. >> there you go. >> ready. >> oh. >> it's still the same. >> right for the head or was trying to jump over him. i don't know. looked like straight for him. >> i hope he plays the lottery, that guy. >> the chances of that happening. >> and "play of the day." and off we go. >> off we go. >> if you're having a bad day. >> never to be surmounted. a 10-year-old with a six-pack, meet one of the youngest fitness
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still ahead on "gma," the marathon mom. being nine months pregnant can't stop her from finishing the race and racing to have her baby. and so many stars in the ballroom last night. cher moved to stares over chaz's dance. all of the highlights and last year's champ here.
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and "american idol" lauren alain will be here for you. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. #:56. good morning. little peek between the cloud this morning in annapolis. clouds will gradually lower and thicken and peek out sun but at 64, a mild start at least considering the time of the year but most of us will halt progress as clouds build in rain creeping into central sections of virginia and most of north and south carolina wet and that's the stuff that heads in our direction. plan for possibly getting wet during the afternoon or the
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ride home. 74 and cooler than last couple days but above norma. showers giving way to steadier rains and temperatures back to about 60. tomorrow will be a day with periods of heavy rain and local flooding possible and temperatures stuck in the mid to upper 60s. now we get a break in the action wednesday and thursday morning. thursday afternoon and evening another round of storms possible 73 winds pick up and we dry out friday and right now looks dry and seasonable for the marathon on saturday morning. tanya. we have a report of a broken down car on the interloop and what's slow traffic. let's look at the northwest side where we still have stop and go track on the outer loop at old court road near 795. this is a live look. it will be slow to baltimore national pike. slow traffic on the jfx. a look at northern parkway as you can see this is moving a little bit. it was stopped a few minutes ago. that volume will continue at cold spring as you can he see making your way southbound and as you get to the 41st street
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overpass slow and left shoulder southbound you can see two cars possibly an accident on the left side of the road. so they are making their way around. back to new york and "good morning america.
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♪ do you believe in life after love ♪ [ cheers and applause ] our crowd here at times square. and you're listening to cher, who was at "dancing with the stars" last night. and she believes in chaz. will the judges will you at home agree? hines ward, he knows what it takes to win it all. he's going to join us live and his take on what happened last night. also, check out c.j. center. he's a little hines ward. he is only 10 years ole. he has a six-pack. he's a pint-sized fitness
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instructor. he goes to grade schools. he has a video. the question, should kids' play be turning into workouts? can you start too soon? that's the question we ask. he is terrific. he is great. >> great to be talking about childhood obesity and talking about a kid who is really in shape. i know. something else to talk about great, from "american idol," her first album out today, lauren alaina. she will sing for us live. i heard her warming up upstairs. she sounds great. >> and just terrific, terrific young woman. >> big star. i will toss to myself. >> yeah. josh with news. >> president obama says it will create 2 million jobs. but his jobs bill is expected to be rejected during a test vote in the senate today. republicans oppose the bill's spending proposals and tax hikes on the wealthy. meantime, in the republican
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race for president, a new poll shows rick perry in third place, trailing mitt romney and herman cain. the candidates will debate the economy tonight in new hampshire. and about 100 people protesting the wall street and the economy were arrested early this morning in boston for trespassing. in new york, protesters are expecting to protest outside of the homes of the city's wealthiest residents. the nba has announced it will cancel the first two weeks of the regular season. labor talks have reached a dead end. we're learning more about that family, including that 4-year-old girl, rescued off the florida keys, after treading water for nearly 20 hours when their boat sank. steve osunsami heard from their relatives and the man who finally helped them get to safety. >> reporter: they fighting jellyfish stings, the driving rain and waves. and were treading water for 20
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hours. >> that's a long night, man. >> reporter: only two of the women and the 4-year-old girl were wearing life jackets. those two took turns holding on to a floating, blue cooler. an they took turns holding the girl, holding her hand. making sure she but okay. >> could have lost my whole family in one boat. >> reporter: their 79-year-old grandmother is still missing this morning and presumed dead. when the boat capsized, the three men were not wearing life jackets. their jackets were under the boat. one had to take the risk, swim below and get them. it's sheer luck that on sunday afternoon, there were wishing men out. they spotted the hull of their boat and called for help. >> we tied a rope on the back of the boat. and the guys swam one over at a time. >> it was all sinking in. and all of the ladies simultaneously started crying. >> reporter: it turns out it was the youngest of them all to bring hope to the family. >> she was telling her mom. it's okay.
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they're going to be rescued. >> reporter: for "good morning america," steve osunsami, miami. meanwhile, shocking video out of england this morning. take a look as an entire cliff crumbles into the sea. not a special effect. that's cornwall england. and the apparent result of coastal erosion. no one was hurt as it did crumble. here's diane sawyer with a preview of tonight's "world news." diane? >> good morning, josh. and we have a challenge tonight for home builders across the country. the "made in america" challenge. if home builders use 5% more american-made materials, just 5%, would we create 250,000 new jobs? watch tonight on "world news." >> we shall. we're hearing about that woman who finished the chicago marathon and then promptly gave birth. amber miller ran and walked the
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course, nearly 39 weeks pregnant. she went into labor after crossing the finish line. delivered a healthy baby girl just hours later. and it's not the first time for the 27-year-old miller. she also ran a marathon when she was a mere four months pregnant with her older son. each time, she had the blessing of her husband and most important, her doctor. i still am stunned. >> i had no plans of finishing. i had run a marathon pregnant. but not 38 weeks, 5 days. so, i said, i have no plans on actually finishing. we'll just -- we were pretty flexible. i was planning on running about half and then maybe skipping to the end and walking across the finish line. >> miller finished in 6:25 and beat her husband's time by 20 minutes. he didn't train for the race. nor was he pregnant. george, you were saying? >> i'm not going to say anything. >> oh.
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>> i was saying, we had both harper and elliot with chicken burrit burritos. >> whatever it takes. >> what's the baby's name? like nike? >> good question. that's a good question. i'll have that for you. >> thank you. we'll special report break in. thank you, guys. pop news, everybody. let's get to it. sandra bullock has been america's sweetheart for years. but she is also one really cool mom. not only is she hands-on, in the pictures taking her son, louis, to a birthday party in l.a. over the weekend. but she took the theme to heart, sporting a pirate hat along with her 21-month-old matety. we love her. pop news may not be the most aerodynamic-shaped fruit. but doesn't mean a bowl of squash can't be turned into sailing boats. at the university of wisconsin's
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annual great pumpkin regatta on lake minnesota, the fruit is hallowed out and raced in this unusual event of horticulture and helmsmanship. and it is 360 rolls. >> you get a parade in that? >> you do. >> how much did i pay for in a? >> to float in a pumpkin. >> i miss college. >> i know. after months and weeks of speculation, facebook and apple are hitting like, so to speak. they're coming together for the rollout of the facebook app for ipad. it lets users play in full-screen mode. the app has been ready for months. but tense talks between the companies kept holding it out. the long-awaited app is finally
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available today. and beneath big ben, british politicians have left or right in the house of commons for centuries. but the 315-foot-tall tower has seem resolutely straight. or as it? researchers say ben is, in fact, going the way of the leaning tower of pisa. as a slight tilt getting worse every year. not to worry. at this rate, it would take thousands of years before it is tilting as far as the tower of pisa, which is around 12 feet off vertical. >> not doing anything yet? >> not yet. nothing to do at this particular moment. >> i've got some breaking news. >> this just in. >> thank you, scottie. well done, scottie. 7 pounds, 13 ounces, baby june miller, resting comfortably with mom. >> because you asked him that, he wanted to know the baby's
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name. determined to find the baby's name. >> thank you. >> getting to the bottom of it. >> thank you, scottie for breaking news. and we have a true weatherman outside. sam? >> got leaning every now and then, as well. good morning, everybody. how are we? good? a little kentucky in the house. glad you're here this morning. let's get to the boards. one or two things are happening. here's what we've got. we'll start with a shot of the northeast today. this is our last dry day. we're going to enjoy it. even though it's a little cooler than yesterday. maps? anyone have a map? can i buy a map? i'd like to -- oh. okay. maps are broken. i don't know how that works. but that's what i've been told. imagine this, okay. here's the southeastern shoreline right here. there's an area of low pressure down here. this would be north carolina. you're north carolina, by the way. this thing slowly moves up the coastline. it's going to bring rain with it. you're, by the way, new england and new england. you look happy right now. but up come the clouds for
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tomorrow and the next day. and we have showers moving in. not so happy. chicagoland, you're dropping. you've been above normal in the 70s for the past -- actually, the first days of october. first few days. by the end of the week, you're dropping below normal as a cold front comes through with some showers. that's the weather. >> donna, you're my west coast. >> okay. >> you're a little showery up
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north. but nice and dry down south. just so you know. lara? >> oh -- yeah. let's just stick with the west coast. donna, great job. now, here's a look at what's going on in our "gma morning menu." cher brings star power to the ballroom. but will it bring in the votes for chaz? all of the drama from last night's sizzling "dancing with the stars." i cannot look at robin and josh right now. plus, the 10-year-old boy who is bulking up. is he too young to be training this much? and lauren alaina is here. and she is belting out for us, coming up on "gma." these are our ocean spray sparkling juice drinks in cranberry and pomegranate blueberry. they have bubbles and come in these really cool cans. it's real fruit juice, crisp sparkling water, and no added sugar. comes in diet, too. it's refreshing, tasty -- the whole family will love it.
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and we are looking forward to hearing from lauren alaina coming up in our next half hour. first, there were lots of cinematic moments on last night's "dancing with the stars." not only was it movie night. but cher was there in the ballroom to cheer on her son, chaz. cameron mathison was there for all of the action. >> reporter: an emotional cher was in the ballroom. in tears over son, chaz's triumphant "rocky" themed paso doble. >> you make me root for you. >> reporter: chaz's family cheered, as he scored 21 out of 30, moving him out of last place for the first time since week one. >> there are a large amount of people that support chaz. i know it meant a lot to
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everybody. >> i had my whole family there on the floor. it was great. it didn't make me nervous or give me pressure. it made me go for it. >> yeah. >> and gave me energy. >> reporter: is your mom giving you any advice over performance? >> no performance advice. she's been there to help me. she's given me a lot of advice. >> reporter: cher left the other cast members star-struck. >> it but unbelievable. >> huge cher fan. >> that was my first cher moment. >> my mom's here next week. >> reporter: monday's theme was movie scores. and the nine remaining couples brought the theatrics. david arquette channeled indiana jones. hope solo went to infinity and beyond. j.r. martinez fox trotted to "the pink panther," and rob kardashian played clark kent and the man of steal.
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the original superman dance was this one right here. >> i won't do it justice. >> reporter: there were also stumbles. chynna phillips lost her way during her "mission impossible" tango. >> you looked divine. >> reporter: and this nancy grace flip turned into spin. >> i got down and got up. how can that be as meup? that's a touchdown, in my world. i did a flip, man. >> reporter: ricki lake and derek hough took the top spot. ♪ earning the first 10s of the season for their "psycho" tango. >> brilliance in the ballroom. >> reporter: carson and anna were "pirates of the caribbean." they thrilled the audience. but not the >> terrible when you're half-in. and a joy when it's over. >> reporter: are you nervous? >> we're at the bottom of the barrel. yeah. we're nervous. >> reporter: tonight, we'll see
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who captured enough movie magic to earn a ticket to week five. for "good morning america," cameron mathison, abc news, los angeles. joaning us now is last season's champion on "dancing with the stars," hines ward, who joins us live from pittsburgh. he does play with the steelers. he has a day job. he's a little busy. thanks so much. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. great to see you. it was great to see cher in the audience. and chaz had his entire family cheering him on. does it help? does it build pressure when the whole family's there? >> you feel relieved, having your family members around. for me, having my teammates in the audience, it felt kind of at home. for chaz to see his mom out there and his whole family, it's more, you're dancing for them. >> right. >> i felt like he felt more comfortable seeing his family in the audience.
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>> yeah. he brought it last night. and so did ricki lake. boy. dancing with derek hough. he is such a great choreographer. earning the first 10s of the season. what did you think of their performance? >> i look at them and i'm like, wow. they look flawless. lucky for me derek wasn't on the show when i was dancing. but i did get a chance to meet derek out in vegas for my birthday. he's a great all-around guy. wonderful dancer. and for me, you know, i grew up watching ricki lake's show. go, ricki. go, ricki. and for her to go out there and look -- she looks happy. the "psycho" theme was amazing. i look for them to be in the finals. >> especially the ending they had. that's right. i forgot. derek did not dance last season. but kym johnson did, your partner. and she's with david arquette.
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i know, they're your favorites because of kym. >> yes. kym did a wonderful job of choreographing the whole thing. for me, i'll tell david, listen and trust what kym has to say. and she will guide you to the promised land. you know? last night, he did a phenomenal job. he was really "indiana jones" in the ballroom. hats off to kym. i'm always texting her. if she has to, put a foot up his butt. and go out there and keep it going. but i just love everything about kym. she's a great teacher. >> yeah. >> to take people that never danced before and make them look good is awesome. >> yeah. we know what she did with you last season. you were fantastic. >> exactly. >> we've seen a few -- you caught a couple of touchdown passes with your steelers. i think we've seen some of your dance moves in the end zone this season, hines. >> yeah. you know what? that's the new thing i'm doing this year. just a tribute to all of the "dancing with the stars," the
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show, the staff. i miss all of the professional dancers, maks, tony, all those guys, carekarina. my mondays are planned around "dancing with the stars." i don't watch "monday night football" anymore. every time i score a touchdown, you know, i'm always going to do a little bit of -- a little bit of a routine. i can't do a full choreographed routine or the league will fine me. last week, i scored twice. and i did a little bit of cha-cha. and a little -- if you see me scoring a touchdown, you'll see a little "dancing with the stars" come out. >> we'll look for it. you're always a great sport. hines, thanks. glad you're having such a great year with the steelers, too. thanks for checking in. >> take care. tonight, "dancing with the stars," we'll see who goes home, at 8:00, 9:00 central. just 10 years old, c.j. senter has his exercise videos
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and a six-pack to go with them. but is 10 too young to be training that hard? juju chang looked at that question and this amazing kid. >> reporter: who, other than justin bieber, perhaps, could get this kind of rock star welcome from the grade school set? it it's a surprise appearance by their pint-sized celebrity trainer. just 10 years old, that's right, just 10, c.j. has motivated the 400 students at heard mixon elementary school to get on their feet. but today, it's the first time they've met him in person because this is how he's trained them. >> ready? begin. >> reporter: c.j. senter is the workout kid. a pint-sized fitness guru, that programs to make kids into gladiators like him. even though there's few adults who could ever hope to have a six-pack like this. he puts me to shame. how many of these do we have to
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do? >> whenever you get tired. >> reporter: okay. i'm tired now. he's been on the fitness kick for half his life. he started at age 5. c.j.'s parents say his self-discipline extends to his diet. he's taken it on himself to avoid junk food. to an extent. do you eat candy? >> i eat candy but not a lot. >> reporter: just a little bit. what about junk food? >> i don't really eat that a lot. >> reporter: you don't? >> huh-uh. i like eating fruits and vegetables. >> reporter: c.j. isn't the only kid fixated on getting lean and mean. while there's legitimate worry about obesity in american kids, there's concern about kids training and dieting like olympic athletes. >> in my practice now, i've seen a doubling of injuries to young kids, age 10 or 9 or 8, with overuse injuries. they're doing more. and tendinitis is the first thing we see. we see bone bruising of blunt injuries.
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>> reporter: dr. gotlin says a lot of this is due to the hours of practice for organized sports. we were surprised to find so many little kids who were so body-conscious. >> i lost a lot of weight. >> reporter: how much? >> last few weeks, about ten pounds. >> reporter: were you heavier before? chubbier? >> yeah. >> i like big muscles. >> reporter: do you want big muscles like c.j.? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: do you have big muscles like c.j.? >> almost. >> reporter: almost. for extreme athletes, fitness could be layered with harm. richard known as little hercules, became famous. his appearance was at claims that his parents were putting on an excessive diet and exercise program. his parents denied those charges. >> in this case, with c.j., this is the right reasons. and we're seeing the positive results. i always have a word of caution that these young children who
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are put in these positions aren't pushed for the wrong reasons. >> reporter: some people say he's too young. >> it wasn't anything he set up to do on purpose. he was exercising and really normal play for a child. he developed this physique. >> reporter: are you pushing him into doing this? >> the only thing i push c.j. into doing is going to school, making great grades and respecting others and treating the way he wants to be treated. >> reporter: you're not forcing him to do push-ups? >> not at all. >> reporter: c.j. is physically gifted, as you can see. and they're not pushing him. in fact, it's the other way around. c.j.'s parents claim they're not in this for the money, either. they say they have donated as many dvds as they have sold. around 400 and counting. >> thanks very much. lauren alaina will be here live in our next half hour.
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now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate. good morning. it's 8:27. clouds are building in temperatures up to 64678 we may have another 10 notches to go before we halt the progress. the reason why clouds moving in and rain approaching from the south central virginia and down through the carolinas. this storm itself is located in florida. and pushing in a lot of tropical moisture and basically we are going to have to give pay back to the five days of sunshine. 74 today. and the showers arriving in the afternoon. and then steadier rain expectedtonight back down to about 60 degrees and we expect temperatures stuck in the 60s with heavy rain on wednesday -- heavier rain on wednesday here traffic. >> reporter: we have an accident reported 70 westbound
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at baltimore national pike. jfx is slow from northern parkway to cold spring lane. a live look at the beltway on the northwest side. still slow traffic at old court road from 795 to wilkins avenue. top side of the beltway slow at har foreroad as well. the delays -- harford road as well. now with your local news, here's charley crowson. >> reporter: police need your help this morning. they say this man may have had something to did with attempted abduction. he he was arrested after a witness told police she saw him give two boys money and try to walk with them into the woods near dallas park. police are looking for the witness and the boy. if you know anything about the incident, call anne arundel county police immediately. and if you lost power as aresult of hurricane irene bge wants to hear from you. tonight at 7 the public is ensighted to share their experience at the war memorial building. go to facebook and let us know what you think about a proposed smoking tax.
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of $1 and add it on $2 tacked on and another dollar proposed. back to new york for "good morning america.
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♪ when i love i give it all i've got ♪ our crowd in times square. and lauren alaina is here. and what a run she had on "american idol." now, she's center stage at our fall concert series. >> take a live shot. she's been waiting. got all gussied up. going to have her 17th birthday coming up. and her brand-new cd is coming out. >> nice pipes. and wish you could get dinner on the table faster? celebrity chef, alton brown,
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reveals his secrets for record dinners. >> and paninis aren't just for paninis anymore. and we love our dogs. but is my dog better than your dog? we love our pooches at "gma." some of our favorite videos have been dogs doing crazy tricks, right? >> that's true. we had peattie, the border collie who knocked out an impressive 32 volleys. look at it. it goes on and on. you just take our word for it. we had norman, the scooter-riding pooch. he promptly became a star on youtube. >> oh, no. >> he did. he was here. he was totally here. this is what we want to know. america, can your dog do a better trick? we want to see if your pooch has what it takes to get to the red carpet. upload your video of your dog
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doing the best tricks of all. it's we're going to show you the best of the best next week. and you're going to vote on the top dog. >> are you serious? this is a contest? >> yeah. it is. >> i need to go to the meetings. >> my dogs can't get to the bowl. you're not going to see their videos. we have something important also. abc's initiative, be the change, save a life, that's in conjunction with the bill and melinda gates foundation. and dr. richard besser looks at what it takes to stop the next epidemic. and he goes out with nait an wolf, and the new book, "the viral age." and that talks about the leap from animals to us. >> and there's a brand-new study saying that bats are the source of a deadly ebola virus. once again, this looks at animals as a source of new diseases.
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there's one virus hunter that is out to catch the next pandemic virus before it can do any harm. and i went with him to see exactly how he's going to do it. the fear of a devastating new virus, leaping from animals into humans and spreading across the globe, is not just the stuff of hollywood movies like "contagion." >> can i talk to her? >> your wife is dead. >> reporter: in 2002, 8,000 cases of sars came from a virus in bat. in 2009, swine through, the h 1 n 1 virus. 60 million people infected with hiv. the source, a virus that jumps from chimpanzees in the jungles of central africa. for nathan wolf, whose jungles of cameroon, is a vast, outdoor
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lab. >> there's places to do the work. you have such a rich variety of mammals and their viruses. >> reporter: wolfe hunts viruses. racing against the moment when another one will jump from animals to us. >> you have a time of contact. that's when people and animals have contact. and that can spark a new pandemic. wolfe and his team track viruss in wildlife and human population. testing their blood. sifting for clues. the goal, tstop a pan dick imbefore it can get started. >> reporter: communities are the front lines in his battle. with few food resources, hunters trap wild game, bush meat, to feed their families. part of wolfe's mission is to educate communities about the potential health risk of animal blood.
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and they're convinced to help him with his quest. they have animal blood for wolfe's teams to study. >> tens of thousands of drops of blood. >> reporter: because the hunters have been exposed to the animal blood, their blood is collected, as well. >> reporter: when you have humans enter act with animals, you have species transmission. where do all those animals end up? here. now, this is a surprise. didn't expect to see something like this in central africa. this looks like the kind of lab i would see at the cdc. housed at a military facility in the heart of cameroon, is one of global viral forecasting's main laboratory. in these boxes could be the next pandemic. wolfe and his mission has attracted big funding dollars.
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critics charge that the money shouldn't be spent on diseases that might happen. with all of the viruses around the world, hiv, malaria, how can we spend money to look for a virus that's not a disease? >> how can we not to? how would the world be different if we caught hiv a couple years earlier. ? >> the most concerning thing to me is less than 24 hours when i was in the jungles, i was in a baseball stadium in cooperstown, new york, watching my son play little league. and if i was infected with the next contagion, i could have spread it to 5,000 people from 22 states. >> and it goes quickly over the world. >> it tells us how connected we are and why it matters what's going on there. >> rich, thanks very much. you can see the whole report tonight on "nightline." now, back out to sam and the weather. >> hey, guys.
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we have everybody ready to be a weather map, right? ticed. we're ready. in case you need to be a hurricane, you have it worked out. >> i'll spin. >> let's see if we have maps. shall we? oh, yeah. there we go. melbourne, florida. waterford, michigan. and we're going to talk about jova, a hurricane in the pacific coast. this is moving towards the mexican coastline. a big tourist area, manzanillo. the bigger issue is maybe up to 20 inches of rain. that could mean flooding on that part of the mexican coastline. you're dry down south, as we like to say. bakersson, about 82 degrees. waco, 82, as well. chicagoland, at 77 today.
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and all that weather was brought to you by char min. we go back in to -- >> george. >> thank you very much. dinner and a d
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so, his blog says he is just a lowly cook. we know better.
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alton brown has almost an encyclopedic knowledge of food. you can find these recipes in his book "good eats 3." >> it's a trilogy. >> and 200 in this one. >> or more. >> how do you keep going? >> they're adapted from the former tv show. they come -- the inspiration comes from them. >> do you adjust? if you're on a trip, do you jot down notes? >> yeah. it's kind of like writing short stories. writing recipes is the same thing. >> the thing i've been fascinated with you is, when i watch you on tv, you can feel your passion. >> passionate encyclopedia. >> exactly. all of that is true. i love this because i have kids. and there's nothing like panini. >> this is the greatest multitasker in the kitchen. i never make sandwiches with it. this is my favorite weekday meal if you can do in exactly 15 minutes.
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maybe even shorter. >> cornish hen. >> with bone in. >> scissors. >> okay. >> you take the cornish hen. turn it over. you take the scissors and cut out the backbone. okay? it looks scary. and with a knife, it would be a little scary. but with scissors, it's not scary. you can save that for making stock. >> okay. >> and watch this. this is cool. you open this guy up a little bit. and you slice it. >> is this the keel bone? >> you're pretty good. >> i read my notes. >> i take the keel bone out like that. turn him over. >> okay. >> make sure everything is flat. sometimes you have to crack to snap him open. >> here's the deal. i love to eat it. but the prepwork can be a little -- >> that's all the prepwork. watch, i'm going to spray some nonstick spray on my panini bed. >> i feel like i should be doing that for you.
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>> you can. if you do it now, you're going to smash my hand. >> i won't. >> which i need. >> occasionally. not now. >> here's a little olive oil. now, slap it down. >> slapping it down. >> i weigh it like this. for ten minutes. now, move that way. i used a brick in this case, which is something i use a lot at home. >> is there a specific weight we need? >> four pounds will be good. ten minutes later, it looks like that. >> no panini. and staying away from the carbs. >> we let that rest. it will tear right in half. but watch. this is the cool part. spinach, panini press. close that. i got a little extra in there. but close the lid and count to ten. >> your book -- now, i'm seeing why you have so many recipes. >> this is an easy thing. the chicken is perfectly done in ten minutes. that's good. >> give it a try. >> have one. eat the whole thing. wait. we're going to put the --
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>> you didn't even add any oil to that. >> no. we have -- there was fat leftover from the chicken. >> that gives you the extra flavor. >> that's all you need. you pop that on. there's your chicken and your meal. and it takes 15 minutes. >> i can do it. >> yes, you -- a small, trained monkey can do it. >> thank you. >> i want to see you pick up the fi chicken with your fingers. here you go. >> any dos and don'ts in terms of vegetables? >> nothing so big it sticks out of the side. nothing -- that's about it. onions. you can build a whole salad in here if you want. >> this is really good. >> this is a good way to get kids to eat their spinach. it has enough chicken fat on it to make it delicious. >> that is fantastic. alton brown. do you say alton or alton? >> alton. >> i did it right the first time. "good eats 3," amazing recipes. always a pressure to see you.
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[ cheers and applause ] coming up, "american idol's" country sensation, lauren alaina, live on "gma."
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♪ when i love she's hiding behind me. she's so scared. she was hiding behind me right now. lauren alaina, fresh off the "american idol" live tour. and now, the season runner-up, has a new album called
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"wildflower." and it is out today. you were noting on the drum right there, look. >> it says lauren alaina "wildflower." >> how does it feel for you? >> and it matches my album cover. >> "wildflower" and all that. because you are a wild flower. >> you know me. >> i feel like i know you. and that's the beauty of you. a lot of us do. you're down home, easy-going. here you are, 16. you're going to turn 17 in a few weeks. >> yeah. november 8th is my birthday. and that's an adult in georgia. >> is it really? >> you're going to get your driver's license and everything. >> i'm 17 years old and i don't have a driver's license and a brand-new car. >> you win a car on the show. and you can't drive it. >> my daddy's driving it every day. >> tell us about georgia peach.
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>> the words of the song are true to who i am as a person. and they fit who i am as an artist. and the girl who wrote it is mallory hope. and she is from a town about 20 minutes from where i'm from. i guess that's why i can relate to it so well. and she's an incredible writer. she has a few songs on my album. i really love the song. and i want to give a shoutout to her. >> oh. you're so good like that. >> i thank her for having this song on my album. it's new. lauren alaina singing her new single, she just told you about, "georgia peaches." ♪ baby all of the city lights the cowboy out ♪ ♪ honey suckle on the vine growing up on southern time ♪
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♪ love to dance love to sing ♪ ♪ being late momma tells me not to curse ♪ ♪ i had a little the sun's a little hotter ♪ ♪ sipping lemonade while we're playing in the water ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ain't nothing sweeter than georgia peaches ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ there's a reason why they're going picking ♪ ♪ georgia peaches ♪ we grow with the vastest trees we have homegrown in our trees ♪ ♪ we love country everything
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♪ alan jackson to l.c. ♪ i know it looks crazy when we wink ♪ ♪ you don't stand a chance with us there ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa ain't nothing sweeter ♪ ♪ than a georgia peach whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ there's a reason they're going picking ♪ ♪ georgia peaches ♪ it don't matter where you're from ♪ ♪ come in and have some fun we're going to treat you ♪ ♪ like you're one of us ♪ whoa, whoa whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ ain't nothing sweeter than georgia peaches ♪
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♪ whoa, whoa whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ there's a reason why they're going ♪ ♪ woo oh, whoa ♪ ♪ yeah georgia peaches ♪ ♪ hey, hey there's a reason why they're ♪ ♪ ain't nothing sweeter ain't nothing sweeter ♪ ♪ ain't nothing sweeter yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ than georgia peaches [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you for watching. thank you, lauren alaina. >> now, she's going to sing the song. from her brand-new cd, "wildflower," "like my mother." lauren alaina. go get it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ people always say i have a laugh ♪ ♪ like my mother does
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guess that makes sense ♪ ♪ she taught me how to smile when things get rough ♪ ♪ i've got her spirit she's always got my back ♪ ♪ when i look at her i think i want to be just like that ♪ ♪ when i love i give it all i've got ♪ now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weatherate.
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hi. a few minutes before 9. we have 64 in baltimore. 72 cape hatteras and 60s in charleston. uniformed conditions on east coast in response to this storm. first want to show outsick lation pulling just out of northern florida into southern georgia. bands of tropical or down pours and heavy rain through georgia south north carolina and this passing up into virginia. and on the way, here. the general setup with area low pressure pumping in all this south eastern moisture on across the mid atlantic is going to make for a few days of rainfall and some of that rain could be heavy at times as the low pressure really crawls through the southeast and sending one main impulse of rain for us tomorrow. and another system out of the northern plains and reaches usfor the second burst of rain late thursday. the general setup for today, we are watching the rain central virginia on down through the just the base and mouth of the chesapeake bay pulling up from virginia beach and delmarva may get it first but rain
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willdevelop during the afternoon and into the evening. and then as we head into tonight there will be periods of rain and we may watch one conveyor belt of moisture locked across the delmarva but this is just one computer model. this happens to shift a little to the west. we could be in for really heavy rainfall and there will be another burst threw tomorrow and the break wednesday night and thursday morning and next surge comes at us thursday night and couple inches could lead to flooding. 74 today late showers. rain tonight back to 60. tomorrow stuck in the mid to upper 60s and again with the heaviest rainfall tomorrow, we get a break wednesday night and thursday morning but storms on thursday afternoon evening could lead to another additional inch or two and drying out 70 on friday and leading into the weekend cooler temperatures saturday afternoon and a high of 67.
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